
Welcome to “Nothing New.” The goal of my blog in the past has been to stimulate discussion about all things related to CBC, the Christian life, and the world at large. But it has recently been hijacked by my cancer and treatment. This means I have to eat some crow (which I hate) because early on I boldly claimed I would not allow my condition to take center stage in my life.

But it is taking center stage on my blog – for a while. I am rather torn about this development. I am uncomfortable making this all about me – because it’s not. It is strangely therapeutic for me to blog about this, however, and I cannot express even a fraction of my appreciation for everyone who reads and leaves their funny, weird, and /or encouraging words in comments and emails.

So please join with me in dialogue. I always look forward to reading your comments. (If you'd like to follow my cancer journey from day 1, please go to my post on 6/25/08 - Life Takes Guts - in the archives and follow the posts upwards from there.)

Monday, September 1, 2008

Labor Day Q&A

In honor of Labor Day, I'm taking to day off from working up a new blog topic. Instead, this is YOUR turn to ask me anything and everything you ever wanted to know about my cancer, treatment, or whatever. I'll tackle (nearly) any question - from the serious to the silly. It's open Q&A time!

(P.S. - pray for me today, though. The clinic is closed and Shanda has to give me an injection in the belly. She's been waiting a long time to inflict this kind of pain on me, I think.)


david b mclaughlin said...

do you lose your hair everywhere or just on your head?

Aaron New said...

I'll give a (safe) generic answer and then a couple of examples.

(1) I haven't lost ALL my hair, but I've been losing hair sporadically from all sorts of places. Nothing seems to be off limits.

(2) I haven't shaved in 2 months. And all the hair on the outside of my shins is gone while the hair on the inside of my shins has remained.

The Walker said...

Aaron, I can come over and give you the shot if you want. What are friends and colleages for?

If Shanda uses a sharp needle it might not hurt much :o)

Anonymous said...

If my target market happens to be the hospital floor you are making laps around, I'd be tempted to buy ad space above your left ear. I mean this makes for some really good walking billboard, per-impression rates. However, wisdom dictates I wait until your "total market coverage" is ALL of Conway at which time I'll buy above both ears, forehead and rear pillow spot.
My question is this: Are there additional costs for battery powered L-E-D's? dad

david b mclaughlin said...

That is SO weird. Cuz I was wondering about your shin hair but didnt quite know how to ask.


Anonymous said...

What part of your life has cancer affected the most (and least)? Also, how could we better minister to those who have cancer and their families?

Aaron New said...

My wife did a great job with the injection today! Thanks for the offer, though.

Aaron New said...

Great questions(s), Stephen. Give me a little time to forumulate a thoughtful response.

Anonymous said...

Due to your recent and continued bouts of hair loss, will this in any way affect your choice of a Halloween costume?

Aaron New said...


Kojak and Mr. Clean are old news by now.

I'm thinking maybe Paul Shaffer.

andy titus said...

If nothing is off the floor here goes...
1. Do you remember the fabulous days of Sonseekers? If so do you remember the day that I was like an hour late? LOL
2. What is the least intelligent question anyone has asked you? (I hope that I get at least top 5)
3. Will you ever say the word "crap" in church again?
4. How can you be sure to have a boy? (hoping for top 5 with this one and not really expecting a response!)

Anonymous said...

With so many different types of med.s do you have strange dreams? Do you dream that you are "not" in this season of your life?

Anonymous said...

If you could pick one King's X song to describe your life over the past couple months, what would it be and why?

Anonymous said...

Have you thought thru the "fear" issue? How is Shanda doing?

Levy Reader

Aaron New said...

(1) I remember Sonseeker days well. But don't remember you being late. Should we have fired you?
(2) Pending....
(3) Absolutely, if it will get me a laugh or two.
(4) Grandma took that secret with her when she died. I know the myths I've got to keep the blog family friendly.

Aaron New said...


YES, I've noticed having some very weird and vivid dreams.

Just the other night I dreamt I was part of the Duggar family. I was like the oldest adopted son somehow. We had a picnic and I was in charge of bringing about 14 cartons of ice cream for everyone to share.

I can't think of any serious/meaninful dreams, though. Just random ones.

Aaron New said...

I've been listening to my share of King's X lately - the old stuff - while in the hospital. (They have a new CD out, but it's not that great.)

2 songs...

Summerland - don't remember all the lyrics, but it's a great song and deals with mourning the good ol' days, right? I wish for summer again.

It's Love - that holds it all together

Aaron New said...

Levy Reader,

I'm ignoring my fears at the moment. When I have them, that is. I really don't struggle that often. But I'm developing the ability to turn my brain off when that 10-15, 10-15, 10-15 worry sets in.

That may not be the best coping strategy, but it's what I'm going with now. I have too many other things to concern myself over to get too wrapped up in the what-ifs. So I'm pretending the what-ifs aren't there.

God is good and gives me peace when I need it!

Aaron New said...

Levy Reader,

Also, Shanda is doing well. She is a strong woman and I am lucky to have her.

Continue to pray for her, though. Life is stressful. She is wading through insurance mumbo-jumbo (sometimes on a daily basis), managing 3 kids (sometimes without much help from me), and working part time. It's a lot for her.

Heather said...

I am praying so much every day for Shanda. I am praying for you, too, Aaron...but I keep Shanda in the front of my mind at all times. She amazes me- and it has been a blessing and encouragement to watch you both journey through this.

Craig Smith said...

Did you enjoy the Legendary Shack Shakers?

andy titus said...

Aaron, I certainly thought that you were going to fire me that day! You were pretty upset, but I'm not sure it was totally at me! I've heard the myths too, and thanks for keeping the blog fam friendly!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Dr. New! You had a dream you were part of the Duggar family? This sounds like a nightmare, not just a dream. I want to hear more dream stories!