
Welcome to “Nothing New.” The goal of my blog in the past has been to stimulate discussion about all things related to CBC, the Christian life, and the world at large. But it has recently been hijacked by my cancer and treatment. This means I have to eat some crow (which I hate) because early on I boldly claimed I would not allow my condition to take center stage in my life.

But it is taking center stage on my blog – for a while. I am rather torn about this development. I am uncomfortable making this all about me – because it’s not. It is strangely therapeutic for me to blog about this, however, and I cannot express even a fraction of my appreciation for everyone who reads and leaves their funny, weird, and /or encouraging words in comments and emails.

So please join with me in dialogue. I always look forward to reading your comments. (If you'd like to follow my cancer journey from day 1, please go to my post on 6/25/08 - Life Takes Guts - in the archives and follow the posts upwards from there.)

Monday, December 3, 2007

Huckabee and Copeland: Guilt by Association?

I posted earlier that I was profoundly disappointed when Mike Huckabee decided to publicly associate with Kenneth Copeland as a part of his presidential campaign. And I’ve taken some heat for it – mostly from my own family and friends, but also from others on a couple of different blogs I read. Their basic argument to me goes something like this:

Huckabee isn’t just trying to get Southern Baptist support – he’s trying to get support from a wide audience. And Copeland has a wide audience, many of whom will appreciate Huckabee’s conservatism. Besides, we shouldn’t foster a “guilt by association” kind of thinking. Just because Huckabee is on Copeland’s show doesn’t mean he believes everything Copeland says.

Let me respond like this:

(1) Before readers assume I am throwing Huckabee under the bus, let me clearly state that I like him. He is a good man and a good politician. I am disappointed in his association with Copeland, but that doesn’t mean he wouldn’t make a great President. (Or vice-President – that was for you, Craig.) And whatever mistake Huckabee has or is making here, I recognize I am capable of far worse mistakes. I hope I’m not trying to pick at a speck without acknowledging my own planks.

(2) I think the term “guilt by association” is too vague – at least in this situation. There is more going on here than just Huckabee doing some spots on Copeland’s show. He isn’t just hanging out, having a cup of coffee with Copeland. Rather, he seems to be affiliating and/or aligning himself with Copleand. Huckabee is on record as calling Copeland a "dear friend" and receiving spiritual advice from him. He seems to admire and appreciate Copeland. This would be something more than mere “association.” Huckabee appears to have decided to be a bedfellow with Copeland rather than a critic of his theology. I question the wisdom of that decision and wonder in what other situations he may execute poor judgment.

(3) I think the principle of “guilt by association” needs examining, too. Clearly, there are some people with whom we can and should be friends - even when they do not believe exactly as we do. But befriending someone for the sake of a relationship and publicly affiliating with someone for the sake of gaining votes are two different matters. I have some friends who are not Christians and I would hope that others wouldn’t judge my theology or beliefs based on my friendship with them. But I am not publicly using those friendships for the sake of political gain, as it appears Huckabee is doing.

(4) Finally, I think the recipient of “guilt by association” needs examining. It would be one thing to associate with Mother Theresa (despite some of her shaky theology) because you share a heart for helping the down and outcast. It would be quite another to associate with Adolf Hitler because you share a passion for your country. To say we should never fault someone for the company they keep is to neglect the reality that some people are never worth associating with. In this situation, there are those that see Copeland more like Mother Theresa – a good person with some quirky theology. I’m not calling Copeland another Hitler, but his theology is more than just different or quirky. It is downright dangerous and I don’t know if the words heretic or charlatan are too strong to apply to him.

Maybe I’ll post sometime soon why I consider Copleand so dangerous. But this post has already grown too long. For now, I would love to hear your thoughts on Huckabee and Copeland.


Anonymous said...

You don't know anything about Kenneth Copeland. He is a good man and is responsible for more salvations than most mininistries.

How many people have you led to the
Lord this Year???

How many lives have touched with a critical spirit.

I am so tired of people criticizing copeland when they nothing about him. I know of him
personal friends and I can tell you he is a man of character.

He has helped many lives. I have been completely healed from a motorcycle accident where I couldn't walk. His teachings work
because all he is doing is getting it from God's word.

Mike Huckabee said on the broadcast
God has'nt called us to a ministry of criticism.

I was very blessed by the Copeland
broadcast. You should watch it before you criticize.

Craig Smith said...

Obviously, the critical spirit you accuse Dr. New of having seems to have bled over into your response.

Listen, at the worst, agree to disagree. In the age of the internet, you can learn almost any and everything about someone as public as Kenneth Copeland.

Can God use Copeland? Absolutely. Has God used him? Without a doubt. The great thing about the Holy Spirit is that He is not discriminating at all. Shoot, God used a talking donkey too.

Copeland is a firm believer in the prosperity gospel. It is a teaching that is not founded in scripture. It has worked for him because he has been handsomely compensated for touching lives with the free message of the gospel.

I saw the broadcast too. It was simply two men hopping into a political bed together and using the Bible and faith as their marriage vows. It was an absolutely politically motivated move on both Huckabee's and Copeland's parts.

Praise God on your miraculous recovery. But to compare who has touched more lives is ridiculous and reminds me of junior high. I recognize your passion about Copeland, anonymous poster person. And if I felt that strongly about Copeland, I would probably choose to remain anonymous as well.

Nothing boils the blood more than politics and God, huh?

Anonymous said...

Go to bed with dogs, wake up with fleas...
The Bibie certainly warns us of false prophets..and how to discern the difference.