
Welcome to “Nothing New.” The goal of my blog in the past has been to stimulate discussion about all things related to CBC, the Christian life, and the world at large. But it has recently been hijacked by my cancer and treatment. This means I have to eat some crow (which I hate) because early on I boldly claimed I would not allow my condition to take center stage in my life.

But it is taking center stage on my blog – for a while. I am rather torn about this development. I am uncomfortable making this all about me – because it’s not. It is strangely therapeutic for me to blog about this, however, and I cannot express even a fraction of my appreciation for everyone who reads and leaves their funny, weird, and /or encouraging words in comments and emails.

So please join with me in dialogue. I always look forward to reading your comments. (If you'd like to follow my cancer journey from day 1, please go to my post on 6/25/08 - Life Takes Guts - in the archives and follow the posts upwards from there.)

Saturday, October 25, 2008

Bonus Days

Well, many of you know that I've been in the hospital since Monday. The problem is that I had a couple of sores on one leg that needed antibiotics before chemo started. The doctor wanted those to be good and healed before chemo started messing with my immune system and thereby risking the infections returning. So..... I've gotten 5 bonus hospital days this round. YIPPEE. Chemo will start tomorrow.

I'm afraid that this extra-long hosptial stay may have me bouncing off the walls before I get to go home. I need to find some things to do to pass the time. I haven't been very creative so far. Mostly I watch TV. But there's only so many reruns of NCIS and episodes of SportsCenter that a man can watch. ((Although I think I've set the record for the number of "The Office" episodes a person can watch in two days - Netflix is awesome.))

So I need some suggestions from my peeps on how to pass the time while stuck here for another week. The nurses won't play Texas Hold 'Em with me and I'm not good at making prank phone calls. Help a brother out.


Anonymous said...

1. Flight of the Conchords
2. Surveys on myspace
3. Sock Basketball
4. Knitting
5. Crosswords

These are things that have helped me in passing the hours on the long night here at the Bethlehem House, not that would be too interested in the knitting but you never know.

And if all else fails, you can always grade papers, right? That's tons of fun.


Anonymous said...

I have a paper you could right for me.


Bryan Cox said...

Write a book, thats what I do when I take a sick day. I have finished 13.

Ok I'm lying only 10.

Heather said...

I am so sorry you are stuck in there, Aaron. I wish I had some good suggestions for you. The only thing I can think of (besides TV- I love me some TV!) is reading. Have you read "The Shack?" I haven't read it yet, but I've heard rave reviews on it. People say it really holds your attention. Might be good for a few hours....

Anonymous said... the risk of sounding too "spiritual," how 'bout memorizing a Bible verse or two? There are a ton of verses on hope you could choose. I've found that it really is worth the effort.


Jenni said...

Here are some suggestions for you:

-Take online surveys for cash. Don't let Shanda tell you it is a hoax because it is for real. (but don't sign up for any sites until talking to me because I can get referrals...ha ha ha)

-There is a game called Super Bounce Out that you can download and it does NOT disappoint. I got a record high last time I was on maternity leave.

-Start watching soap operas.

-Whenever Ethan is bored he makes charts. For example. He lists all of the sports and then asks anyone he sees what their favorite sport is and then puts a check next to each one to see which one "wins."

That's all I've got for you.

Anonymous said...

Hi Bub!
Hey, I've come up with a list similar to what I told you when you were a little boy and were bored.
1. Get your Legos out.
2. Read another book
3. color
4. start a 1000 piece puzzle
5. sudoku
6. write a short story
7. write a poem
8. write your Mom a letter (had to throw that in)
9. sing really loud if for no other reason than to get the nurses in to see what is wrong.
10. make a Christmas list
11. play hearts or spades on-line
12. have Parker bring Battleship to the hospital to play with you.
13. Remind yourself of all the people who love you and are praying for you!
That's it, can't think of any others right now.
Love you!

Anonymous said...

1. Re-watch every season of "The Office"!
2. I'm gonna have to agree with Kristi Lee about the myspace surveys. (You may be at risk for becoming addicted)

Sorry. That really wasn't helpful. Good Luck coming up with something.


Aaron New said...

Thanks Mom. I think. Just so no one gets the wrong picture of my childhood, here are some things my Mom REALLY said to me....

- Go play in the street.
- Here's a box of matches. Have fun.
- Light fixture? You want a light fixture for your room? No. Your dangling light bulb is just fine. Until we move. Then we will put one up for the strangers who will be living there.
- That will feel better when it quits hurting.
- Quit complaining. No blood, no foul.
- Here is a truckload of bricks still stuck together. Help me break them into individual bricks and stack them in the garage. No, you don't need any gloves.

OK. So the second one wasn't real. But the others were, sort of. The third and sixth one were said in an unspoken kind of way. And also - come to think of it, they were all from Dad.

Mom said things more like, "Boy that honey smuckles."

Anonymous said...

I have to disagree with the commenter who said to read "The Shack"...there is a lot of controversy around this book for good reason. Although that just may make it more interesting to read...I know how you like to stir up debate...always making me uncomfortable in class!!


Anonymous said...

Aaron, I would be "hurt" by your slander except I'm laughing too hard and I also know that chemo effects clear thinking. Of course the parts about your dad and the bricks were kind of true! But hey I didn't have gloves either!
We still love you even though obviously you don't appreciate your childhood like we had hoped you would.
Love you!

andy titus said...

Talked to your dad tonight and he said you were really needing help passing the time. Here is what I like to call "Andy's Super Exciting & Fun Ways to Entertain Yourself While in the Hospital."

1. Ask random people if they have seen your pants.
2. Do your very best Rain Man impersonation, by taking pictures of random objects and telling everyone you are gonna miss Whopner.
3. Organize a Wheel Chair race for the nurses.
4. Brush up on video games. (some hospitals have game consoles)
5. Call the cafeteria and order the "Soup De' Jour" and if they say the soup de' jour is X then say no I want the "Soup De' Jour!" and get more emphatic each time.
6. Enter random rooms and ask if they would like a sponge bath.
7. Tell each Dr. that the stool sample he ordered is in the bath room waiting. (see older posts on this one)
8. Grab your IV machine (if you got one)and walk with it. While you are on the walk ask everyone you see if they like your new "Firebolt." Tell them it is the fastest broom around!
9. Call the nurses desk and tell them you have a code, "Lavender" in your room. Other colors to use, Burnt Sienna, Fuscia, Teal, White Chocolate etc.
10. Speak in Tongues and Propheci at the vending machines. Then Name & claim whatever delicacy is in slot A6.

Seriously though, I could recomend a couple of good books, or some movies but it would be just more of the same. If you are online then feel free to send random emails to me. I'll be traveling this week and I could use the interruptions!

Unknown said...

i know you already have probably had your fill of TV, but....just in case you want another show to watch - Criminal Minds is a GREAT one! and being the psychology guy you are, you would love it. Netflix has seasons 1, 2 and 3. i'm currently watching them all. so good!

or, if you would like a quick tutorial on how to edit photos, i could teach you and then i could bring you my laptop and you could catch me up on all of my backed up photography jobs right now!

Anonymous said...

Okay, Aaron, I actually remember your dangling light bulb. Not only that, I remember how your room was an unfinished space in the basement with no sheetrock, so you put up posters to masquerade as "walls." So sad. Your room was SO GORGEOUS once you moved out. Good job, Judy.

Anonymous said...

Oh for Pete's sake! I need Jennifer's email address. People.........Aaron did not live in a dark cellar in case that is what you are beginning to think. It was only unfinished for a short time.
True, his light fixture WAS simple but it wasn't exactly dangling down.
Life at the "New" house built character. Ha!

Anonymous said...

I'll be glad to bring CD's of my kids...Taylor is 18 and we have 15 years of dance recitals and Jordan is 17, we have years of baseball games and gymnastics meets. Just let me know when you want them and how many at a time!! :)
