
Welcome to “Nothing New.” The goal of my blog in the past has been to stimulate discussion about all things related to CBC, the Christian life, and the world at large. But it has recently been hijacked by my cancer and treatment. This means I have to eat some crow (which I hate) because early on I boldly claimed I would not allow my condition to take center stage in my life.

But it is taking center stage on my blog – for a while. I am rather torn about this development. I am uncomfortable making this all about me – because it’s not. It is strangely therapeutic for me to blog about this, however, and I cannot express even a fraction of my appreciation for everyone who reads and leaves their funny, weird, and /or encouraging words in comments and emails.

So please join with me in dialogue. I always look forward to reading your comments. (If you'd like to follow my cancer journey from day 1, please go to my post on 6/25/08 - Life Takes Guts - in the archives and follow the posts upwards from there.)

Friday, October 17, 2008

The Melodramatic and the Mundane

The Melodramatic…
I’m being tortured. Sort of. Remember the
Chinese water torture? During this procedure, water is slowly dripped on the forehead of an immobilized person – the inescapable repetition rendering them insane. I’m suffering from another sort of inescapable repetition: visiting the hospital or oncology clinic.

Since my treatment began in July, I can count on ONE HAND the number of days I have NOT been in the hospital or clinic for some sort of treatment. You already know about my inpatient stays. Each lasts about a week. But you may not know that in between each of those rounds of chemotherapy, I visit my oncology clinic nearly every day. This is usually for at least 1-2 hours, seldom less, sometimes more. This is necessary to run labwork, give me injections or other meds, get transfusions, etc. Taking a couple of hours out of your day for the doctor is no big deal when done occasionally. Taking a couple of hours out of EVERY day is driving me loopy. Pray for my sanity.

The Mundane…
My tubes are back. I had them taken out as a precaution when I got an infection. But I had another Hickman catheter put in today. The procedure went well. I’m a little sore, but that’s about all. Shanda hasn’t told me any funny things I said coming out of the anesthesia, so that’s good. I’ve been known to ramble off weird comments in that twilight stage.

I went to “P.E. with Parents” at Parker’s school on Wednesday. It was embarrassing. I couldn’t keep up with a room of 1st graders. On the upside, all the kids thought my bald head was cool.

I’ve lost nearly all my eyebrows and eyelashes by now.

I’m looking forward to a good weekend. Parker has a soccer game Saturday morning. We are leaving the kids at home with a cell phone and a twenty dollar bill (and grandma) and heading out for a steak dinner on Saturday night. I’m planning on going to church Sunday. It should be good around here. Round 6 of my chemo starts in the hospital on Monday. I’ve got Season 6 of “24” from Netflix ready to go while I’m there.

Thanks for all your comments on my last post. I needed them. I’ve given Shanda open access to the blog from now on. She’ll be able to give updates if I’m too far into my foxhole some days.


Anonymous said...

I can taste the steak already. -sk

Aaron New said...

...mmmmm.... bloomin onion......
...rye bread...
...double baked potato...
...shrimp on the side...

gotta stop. my drool is gonna short out my keyboard.

Anonymous said...

I don't know too many people who can keep up with a room full of first graders!