- I have Shanda, a strong, beautiful wife who knows all my faults and weaknesses and loves me anyway.
- I have Parker, a 6 year old son who loves to read, play soccer, and who looks a lot like me. He also sometimes tells me I’m the best dad in the whole world.
- I have Tanner, a 3 year old son who is a talking machine and who reminded me yesterday that “we can’t see God but He is still in our hearts.”
- I have Cooper, a 2 month old son who breaks out with the biggest smiles at me when I smell his toes and make faces at how stinky they are.
- I have parents and a sister who love me, pray for me constantly, and who worry too much.
- I have a Mom that wears her heart on her sleeve, who passed along to me the legacy of making up my own words when my mind works faster than my lips, and who cries at coffee commercials.
- I have a Dad who is a dreamer, who loves going to the movies with me, and who passed along to me a love for music.
- I have a sister who is sensitive towards others who need help and who is firm with people who should know better when they get stupid.
- I have great memories of growing up as a kid.
- I have a small home full of big love, loud noise, and lots of laughter.
- I have a yard with beautiful trees and lousy grass.
- I have two cars that get us where we need to go and keep us safe.
- I have over 500 CDs
- I have 1 country music CD
- I have good taste in music, but not as good as Craig.
- I have too many clothes and too much stuff.
- I have a good education.
- I have delusions that I am better at basketball, softball, and racquetball than I really am.
- I have more friends than I should.
- I have Scott, who never fails to check how I am doing, who knows it is OK to find the humor in my situation, and who once said “that Jesus – he is a smart man.”
- I have Jenni, who does, um, nearly perfect impersonations, who sometimes snorts when she laughs, who loves Big John’s at Larry's like I do, and who is always willing to watch our sons when we need her.
- I have among my friends many Christian brothers scattered all over the United States that I know would drop what they were doing and find me if they knew I needed them.
- I have a caring church family.
- I have a pastor that is wise and who takes his job as a shepherd seriously.
- I have students who love the Lord and who want to make a difference in the world.
- I have coworkers and supervisors who appreciate and support my work.
- I have an office that is bigger than Medenwald’s.
- I have Jesus.
- I have a life that is better than I deserve.
You're in my thoughts and prayers today. Beautiful post.
Dale, I don't know if you are reading or not. But the anchor is for you. Thanks for the Word Sunday.
I am the lucky one Aaron. I have the fortune of Jesus blessing Jen and I with you and Shanda.
You are absolutely right.
I do have better taste in music.
Try some Legendary Shack Shakers and Mudcrutch on for size.
You can also be inspired by legendary surf guitarist Dick Dale. Give his classic "Misirlou" a listen. He is 71 and dealing with cancer as well. That song inspires the surfer-survivor in all of us.
Hi Bub! Dad and I are so proud of you! You keep us encouraged and blessed everyday!
Love you so much!
Mom!! For heaven's sake, you can't call me "Bub" in public!!! Wow, why don't I just hop on your lap so you can pinch my cheeks and offer me milk and cookies??? Oh man. I'll never live that down, now.
(Just kidding. you can call me Bub anytime you'd like!)
Thanks Momma New! Just what I needed... ;)
Thanks for allowing us to join you in this journey. Have been praying for you and your family.
Bub (Thanks for the new nickname Grandma Judy!),
What a wonderful and moving post. You are such an encouragement for anyone who reads this. I know that God is working.
We are so blessed to have you and Shanda and the boys in our life.
Thanks for the "shout out" but you must not have heard my latest impression of Reece or you wouldn't have used the word NEARLY perfect impressions.
Big hugs to the News. :)
Hey Dr. New!
you most certainly have a larger office than bro. medenwald. If you need a babysitter, i'm willing and able! message me on facebook and i'll come running. -Mary Raines
Thanks so much for being transparent and allowing us to pray through this with you.
Dr. New,
God has blessed you with a gift of words. Thank you for sharing yourself with us and allowing us to pray with you. God isn't finished with you.
Thank you for the blessing.
Cathy M (current student)
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